Saturday 19 November 2022


 A splendid, as usual, doublespeak theatrical word. Kind of designed to exclude. But that's life.

Life is also something that happens whilst one is busy making other plans.

Reality is that in law, which is just in the main a small word for politics, there is for some decades the biggest Blairite spin operation almost of them all; that there are legions of 'pro bono' qualified lawyers out there to help the scrof... ehhhh.... 

In fact mid 00s when one has been handed an absurd little High Court injunction, one would have thought that the official ' bar pro bono unit' would answer an email. or even just once their promulgated phone number; or a love not put in by hand under their door in the RCJ. 

Nope.. a country of fakes. 

Spin, bigup the selfists.

So what is the answer? Well it certainly isn't radio 4 programs about cute little students doing their third year of their law degree  sat in an office knowing nothing, and offering 'community legal services' as per a useless program a month ago. About useless self promoting people who sit in offices and know they will sound good on a program about people sitting in offices. Who all know very little.

In fact all 'internships' 'pupilships' and otherships are almost entirely a waste of time. The only way the citizen can be assisted to run a full on real legal case  is by a pretty EXPERIENCED person who knows the theatre. The game...and what ACTUALLY happens in the negotiating rooms aside the court rooms where most of almost any 'case' actually happens. And one quickly enough learns that law books are for children and show off QCs whom may occasionally get a look in at the end of a long one on a grand an hour.

So, 'lay legals' McKenzie friends....  a few hundred actual grown up pretty experienced folk dotted around the country. The only way. Who are happy to charge more or less expenses. Maybe even with barter or other mutual benefit in return.

Except as sure as ferrets are ferrets all systems in UK get perverted and corrupted.

I gave up 10 years lay legalling, for two reasons. First no one would listen any more. To advice they phoned up in desperate straits, to get..

Secondly more subtle but time immemorial.   

There you are the last case. Before a very senior High Court judge in RCJ who imediately gives the lay legal scruff 'powers of address' because a wily one knows how to signal, against ALL the rules to the judgey that he would save  a lot of time speaking with him directly, thus have a far longer lunch where he may even fit in half an hour at the local bordello... fancy word for whorehouse... 

"dear judgy...we are here ostensibly to discuss whether or not this child should be taken away to an extremely impossible country to get her back from if ma decides to stay....

" however the case surely hasnt actually started yet, as despite being in 'court' a year,  no court or court officer has bothered to actually start to mediate and assist the parents to settle their differences re simplest per re Z.... so maybe we need to actually see that the case starts and the officials PAID salaries to have started it, do what they have already been PAID to do, but haven' all....before complications such as removal from jurisdiction occur..."

Now in fact most of my lay legalling was for mums about to have kids stolen by the state - and being a non drinking (except once a decade)  puritan I is fussy  about who i would support... at 5 quid an hr if lucky..

But i use this example of being there with a father, simply because the opposing 'lay legal' for in his cv he shows off to the judge a very loyal subject of Families Need fathers... (and i would guess charging the rick mafia mum about £50 an hr..) 

A 40 or so year registered charity..with the highest ever credentials... and categorical 'remit' to assist in soft landing between BOTH parents after separation

And yet this scruff pointing out to that rather good judge the simplest 'law' has not yet been applied in assisting the parents to mediate or even any court officer speak with them like humans....  this venal corrupted little creep - bragging of his FNF association, he pulls out of his £300 leather 'flight bag' style lawyer bag,  actually caries on with his 'case'.... against all justice for that father, or child....

err fucking go... 

grow up this is a real nasty world for grown ups....

needs some decent people with morals somehow working through it all. And kids on law degrees - no hope - thats no justice for anyone. 

ALL 'systems' need to be fully transparent and somehow held to account.... especially that little cunt.