12 April 2022
The meat of the communication is in the audio files. And anyway the two dimensions of a screen of text are so uninspiring.
LINKS BELOW are to a mega.nz filestore that has audio and video files communicating my position.
Mega has a good reputation as very safe. They work on a pc. From a mobile it may be necessary to put the free 'mega' app on your phone first. Apparently available in the app stores.
It may also be necessary to COPY THE MEGA LINK and open it in a new browser tab.
13 April 2022
Also the same files - however the audio files only, are now available as a download through Dropbox.
new Links below.
14 April 2022
Although all that is in this page occurred to me the moment I encountered the matter three years ago - making manufacturer pariah, having taken the step of running with my stance (pitch if one will), what is so so interesting is the stance I now encounter in almost all others.
I most deliberately try and only associate with better minds. The more enlightened balance serious thinkers. But the moment I mention my take within this page it is as if I can hear a little cog speed up in their brans. But it is a cog in an automatic transmission. Not a gear wheel they control through manual stick shift.
I heard a radio talk a few days ago about the everyone opinionating and it becomes two camps at war. That I am not interested in. My 'side' are meant to be the more 'thoughtful'. But in reality opinion became performative. Those who know of the vilification of this name have an autopilot setting "of course it was the right thing to do.." It is little more than the Romans throwing Christians to the lions. Weird sport.
And then everyone has made themselves some so so so well informed expert on some or other current political economic or legal position. Most legal cases are deep down theatre.
But in all the armchair expertise i think that cynicism only abounds. No matter what judgement may be possible about complex legal responsibility action or inaction, no one wishes to ponder the 'solution' which surely at the widest scale is simply that working to cherish and protect good attachments for children from their early days and also working in any way possible to reduce trauma and confusion in the family home are just those vaccinations against ending up with tendency towards dangerous compulsion. Friends neighbours wider family chipping in with support and advice about how to achieve the softest possible landing when parents are at odds is to me after long thought the only way we can attempt to reduce trauma throughout society for our younger people. And that was always the only intention of 'publicising' the story of my efforts mid 00s. Sharing what better solutions there may be. And i know that still the 'culture' of 'fight' is still dominant. It is even once again in fact rather well covered in radio 4 he Archers. More angst between selfish pumped up parents that really need not be.
There is no attempt to think about useful or positive societal evolutions - even in this - the matter of how to REALLY help those tending towards damaging drug use.. And no ability to ponder such enlightenment values - what they REALLY mean such as universal human rights. Which means people accidentally born to a wealthy clan have the same rights as everyone else - to have their existence and future relative to the norm (for example ubiquitous use social media - many would see these days as universal human right, or have websites with contact boxes) considered proportionately to any genuinely bad act. And 'reputation' is of course central to the human social experience. Most anthropologists considering human socialising the most novel of all innate evolutionary traits that define us. I have zero innate sympathy with wealthier people in fact was born into a relatively wealthy family and saw only misery and dysfunction because of that - so in fact have 'pity'. But i know there is no relatively heinous sin in the story of a certain medical product ending up missused by some. I have read enough of the 'cases'.
What is so interesting is how the 'right thinking' people i have floated my thoughts here, to - especially the last few days, so automatically assume that shaming, punishment and excommunication are the only response society should have made. That is auto-zealotry of the worse kind. I made up a pictorial chart of the few truly basic matters i think should be addressed (via a movie or chat around it) a few years ago. It only has a few words on it. One is 'Soma'. From Huxley. It is as if a heck of a lot of people are on it these days. And i do like to put my own soul into any way that can be found to get something a bit more nourishing in place of said soma.
This is a page that is not so much 'open letter' - as it will not be found through Google (has no tags nor indexable names ) and is not visible in the index of this website, it is simply a wish to efficiently communicate with one or other, or any, or all, members of a certain clan.
However as this notion - perhaps finding crossover support - or just good adult conversation! from someone connected to the intellectually retrograde demonization of a manufacturer of some problem product, was an afterthought obviously to the main film plot pitch all my energy has goner into, so the better points for this notion, are made on the hoof, hurriedly as an aside, in the audio letters and essays (linked below). I think they are quite good though.
To be crystal clear on one point. Rather emphasised in audio nattering. Despite one rather in fact minor initial act that sparked public interest in the story and parallel legal reforms which may appear questionable " abduction". The tale of 2003-6 is ONLY wholesome. No challenging moments (except silly legal shackles put on me, all of which David vs Goliath style were cast asunder over time - and ONLY with POSITIVE national media coverage of me doing that. There is nothing in my story whatsoever to do with any unhealthy lifestyle choice or behaviour. It is a sweet life of idyllic childhood surrounded by animals and only happy things.
But i am aware of wider societal issues. Many may be cautious about my own (apparent) 'story'. And that is the point really, that people must be encouraged to look BEHIND silly headlines or the rote thinking of a whole class and support solutions....solutions... to the many a mess that society causes for us poor humans. And i know one thing for a fact, and it is that (as essayed here and there elsewhere on tis site and the other one) the solution if there is one to even terrible things like drug deaths is just wholesome childhood for anyone we possibly can help to have that. The solution is not only for the person that is the child, but even for the parent as parenting is the best vaccination i know against all sorts of errant personal behaviours.
And that is a an issue that will happily seek a voice in no matter what and however i can. And there are no associations which are beyond the pale. It is too important to attempt any possible tweaking of the culture such that people are reminded effectively of all the civilising and maturing aspects of being parent. I purport film - drama, with smiles though, is often the best way to reach the most people. To me there is no association or support that can possibly take from that foundation stone to everything.
If i share some individual personal communication for an individual I refer to a name by first initial only. That said I do not waste my time browsing the tittle tattle and assumptions about people i have not known. And i know little about the overall family position on where it finds itself.
This is not 'social media'. I do not do social media. I do create a few portals to attempt to roll out various essaying or attempts at developing platforms which one day i may use more simply in efforts to communicate intelligently with society. That is the only use i make of personal online social sites. I rarely look at anything and never comment or respond to anything. I do most actively seek professionally minded allies in various formats of eventually getting going good independent thought into various arenas.
This page is really only padding to what i had put in noteform a few days ago in my Dictaphone and haven't had tome yet to transcribe. See links below for those audio letters.
Doubtless the last five or so years attempts will have been made to consult professional 'reputation management'. I am not in the business of caring about any individual's reputation. I am only about wishing in time to spark a far more intelligent public discourse on some matters which this family has been, as any genuine intellectual knows, absurdly made the fall guy for. Personally inteligent conversation along such lines would also be nice. All my friends chosen for good minds even they seem lost in the wrongheadedness of hyping names around drug misuse. I cannot speak with them any more (especially on the Peterson matter below).
All my adult life i have (as tangential interest to other things) taken an interest in abuse and compulsive ingestion of any potentially damaging molecule. I believe it is better to speak in terms of the cultural construct of compulsive behaviours - if we must 'addiction', as it is a phenomenally complex issue.
As i saw - heard (bbc radio 4 in the uk is almost a place of 'public record') the growing movement to make one name pariah, never mind the legal cases, i knew immediately that this was one of the most intellectually retrograde developments in a life of often being exasperated at the backwards twists and turns of the public conversation.
But much more important having for years pondered the way that society best assists the person ending up with one dangerous compulsion or other, it is the exact opposite of any 'message' which is going to help focus sufferers and their supporters to the only one thing that matters: a solution. A way forward. An evolution out of the cage.
I myself am for decades as good as a 'puritan'. I hardly ever drink and take nothing into my own body aside from straight nutrition, except a fair few cups of strong coffee and my only sin a smoke of organic hand rolled tobacco. Equally as important - fundamental, i am of the minority who would never dream of using even a paracetamol or ibuprofen, or Calpol for a child. I consider all medications to be avoided unless truly exceptional circumstance. I do not think any routine use of any pharmacological product is a good thing. Much better to try and mind-over-body ones way into tolerating pain or even most illness.
This is not any polemic. Just an introduction to some audio recordings i made over the last few months and a video introducing myself. As this issue is only tangential to my main objective (finding some support for the film i refer to) they are most hurried and off the cuff. I do not write notes.
If one ONLY wishes sane intelligent dialogue in society for the sake of ones only descendent, then one can even make an oath. It is a privilege to know what is a guiding moral foundation. I have only one: My oath that i am ONLY interested in what are the best utilitarian ways of being - individually and at societal level, over the long run, for my daughter's cohort?
My oath is that even if my main purpose has been attempting to contact people who may assist in what is a rather long overdue in my opinion jolly good feature film about an ONLY wholesome story, as soon as i started to hear of the vitriol against a certain family i knew immediately this was the exact opposite of what ANY parent needs to hear being debated and shared in respect of harmful substance use. Any. It became a bee in my bonnet the moment i first heard of philanthropic arts targeted money being turned down. And i am no lover of 'society' (the people who may grace the pages of Tatler - having in my teens into 20s had plenty of access to that world via family members and others). I only care as the parent of a youngish adult still, about what are the messages we are sharing that may prevent even one of her generation falling prey to this modern day 'pandemic'.
I am as much an intellectual as any other serious and scholarly thinker i am aware of. I value above all the wisest and most insightful writing and thought put into the public conversation. And even among the very most educated i have heard nothing but the self righteous anodyne rote thinking of what became simply a mob. A very smug mob too. I think this is terrible for society. I shall certainly be attempting future essays or other communication about this - the vilification of a manufacturer of a legal product rather than something more real and useful a focus. And i expect no acknowledgement from any person ever. It is my duty as a free and incorruptible mind simply to state a wiser take on even this demonised family name.
In fact i had begun to think about contacting the Trust as soon as i heard of august arts venues closing off association. I wrote something and emailed it in just as covid hit. An answer was not forthcoming. I didn't expect to think much more about this. But in fact encountering what i consider to be an even more (and strangely parallel) public debacle connected to harmful use of medication - the infantile bleating of a certain Professor Peterson at his terrible journey into illness having overused an 'addictive' pain relief product, my steel was only sharpened. IT bolstered me into an effort to get back into trying to think more about this family.
That he did not appear to ever hold himself responsible - even wonder why on earth he did not know better - after all he is a qualified medical person, beggars belief. And there was almost implication that the medical ecosystem somehow was to blame. To me he has set the worst example i have ever seen. And him supposedly the world's most influential public intellectual. I wish good examples only for my daughter's generation. My (very very humbly educated) cohort age 16 knew full well that even the occasional Valium someone pinched for recreational use, despite being then so ubiquitous, was a substance to be treated with great caution as it could become habit forming. And that was over 40 years ago
So, to the point: As i say (below) in audio letters - and on this rather higgledy piggledy site, I am only focused on the one project - getting out an entirely wholesome story.
And while one always has one's detractors i know my core mission and it doesn't obviously have much to do with the world of drug abuse or the plight of a wealthy clan - i have had mine i believe but for different reasons - i have been based in an area where very few people ever 'do' much - certainly outside the area, and there is a lot of weirdness towards me - always has been, because my sticking my head over the parapet, and even succeeding! this shows up they (predominantly of the 'Guardian Readier' class) do bugger all. This has been especially the case the last 7 or 8 years when i have sometimes focused on the much needed work on protecting the environment even in my rural area.
But there are in a way crossovers. Most would state them the other way around, but i know what REALLY matters to any parent (and it isn't reputation). Every single word in that large stack of paperwork photo'd elsewhere on this site is about one thing only - the good psychological health of any child. And when any child grows up psychological health remains of course just as central. And having a narrative on substance abuse in this day and age is central. Even in my supposedly idyllic region. And any good parent is only interested in SOLUTIONS. A witch hunt against a manufacturer - making connected descendants near pariah. It is the exact opposite of a solution - simply a fey distraction. Indeed removes focus from the terribly difficult subject of how we DO find better solutions to that pandemic.
My own work - certainly for 7 or 8 years fairly actively and often enough in public in national fora is about almost saying to every thinking member of society
" think.. take part even in assisting the many families who are stuck in terrible fugues which do lifelong damage to children. Understand the issues. Be better informed about what solutions maybe you can share"; it is precisely the same with the issue of any damaging overuse of any molecule; how can we all be better informed of solutions, helpful stories. Good strategies. If anyone says to me regarding my core project " maybe a good heartwarming and educational tale to get out...maybe i can help get it into some first stage of film... but what a moron you went and screwed it up even having that name on your site... " i shall welcome that. Because soon i shall have a better more easily digestible essay or talk on why any making it about 'that' name, is simply yet more evidence of such a dumbed down and intellectually retrograde society, culture, that will, as sure as ferrets are ferrets, entirely fail to do what we all wish, which is have less painful journeys for those of our fellow humans that fall under the spell of their tragic dangerous compulsions..
Oh and courts and the law.....
Take the saga as rather well shown in the film Erin Brockovich and latterly Dark Waters. Certainly there are times when allowing clear-cut lethal poisons into the environment deserve pecuniary punishment. But to litigate on any matter where it has been decades known that all medicines have side effects, and all psychotropics ....be very very careful..... to me smacks of infantalisation that will not end well.
For J
I do have to say bravo "i am not defined by the male name i married " or words used...
My journey fighting for best relations father and daughter no matter what is entirely a 'feminist' thing... though there will be those who try and give other slants..
And almost better, retweeting and red circling the ignorant words of the 'trolls' or silly billies of the mob. A strategy myself i figured is the healthiest of all (in the overall matter of 'free speech' USA style... policy most likely to cause them to get bored sooner rather than later. I have one small piece of advise. It is all tiring - all takes from the unique individual creative essence to speak flower child. As a principle it is the best. But don't waste too much time on it. It takes a long long tome for people to change. That is what i have learned in life - especially the last few years. Never get drawn in or waste too much time at all monitoring what may indeed need a response. . If one stands back obviously unaffected - though one has to show that occasionally or they think they did for you... you retain the energy to do new things one day.
There is of course a 'line' - when any of this gets into the children's worldview - other kids saying things at school as per an article i scanned through, that's all that really matters. Unavoidable the trauma from that. Just developing a story within ones own home life for them is all i have ever thought is best way forward. And it should in my opinion include a fair bit of "blessem... I am sure they are nice people really [these people who say bad things about us] but many get confused with this new public printing opress thing called the internet....we all do sometimes.... maybe they were having a bad day that day.."
That sounds pretty anodyne too but it simply highlights to me the need to really get to grips with almost anything spilling into 'public' which myself i had a long and interesting journey through and know society is far more healthy the way it is where people are free to write more or less what they want (criminal threats aside of course aLWAYS).
the second two audio/video files are also linked from the page on site visible " S / P patronage" which was a slightly off the cuff page title.
this first 'direct' audio - pt 1 and 2, is not anywhere else.
audio letter direct to any family member
sort of essay notes that turned into notes for a direct communication, part 1 and 2.
via soundcloud
pt 1 dm655980
pt 2 dm655981
monologue on why i have my position - long, but I would be surprised if anyone else has ever reasoned the issue of substance abuse, all as fully and wisely- it is also about why it is only negative focusing on any manufacturer or product. AND what the ONLY solutions are to drug misuse pandemics.
It won't fit on a soundcloud but this full talk through is what i know is convincing argument. Much better than the 'direct' messages.
A roaming through my own younger man experiences with compulsive behaviours - as context; but far more important homing in on what are the ONLY solutions for future generations - every person lost in the agony of damaging compulsions is one too many. Helping protect and enhance all and any childhood attachment - the greatest 'hole' filler, and reducing angst within separating parents is likely the greatest vaccination against young adults developing compulsive behaviours. Just so happens what my own work in public (the reason for TAKING it public against much resistance) was almost entirely about.
And a tale that I know is not individual - it is as universal as an be, about how there is only one purpose that rests your mental circuitry such that one is diverted from tendencies towards self medication into the only thing that trumps the flawed psyche and heals, devoting oneself to the upbringing of especially younger children.
Mid March 2022
audio file in mp3 and wav versions downloadable
chat with sara b sharing my thoughts with her on specifically mentioning one family with a view to sparking better debate. Expert PR woman. Completely spontaneous. All the way...
Mid March 2022
This is around an hour of our meeting filmed - i left the camera on to see what the body language would be as i shared my thoughts (she had as a young woman had had her partner die due drugs).
Even if topless - March sunshine, and some may say "what a prat", i think the video is most telling.
An audio of the encounter - dictaphone left on. Also mp4 films of the encounter. Large files.
and the mp3 dictaphone version only in dropbox
What i think is telling is that this is a spontaneous talk with someone who makes her living spinning certain messaging on behalf of corporations. The safe messaging of standard corporate PR. Someone resistant to any genuinely outside-the-box approach. "Don't frighten the horses". But her genuine interest in my thoughts of some notional linkup I think says a lot as the talk goes on. Time for a really grown up conversation on these issues. reputation and overblown (intellectually devoid) 'scandal' is irrelevant when attempting to get a wholesome useful tale to the widest audience.
NB i really ....unless some useful ongoing alliance follows, with anyone... don't like messages...a call is always so much more human...
in fact i saw in one article (and case) one of the family mentions ref a supposed scurrilous email, what an awful medium email can be ...i agree.
Bona fides.
One of the women writers on the 'dream team' page has written in to me. As soon as she saw my commendation i ran by her email. The email is warm. Unfortunately she is too busy.
I am quite well known in my region where for many years I have in various ways offered real one-to-one free 'citizens advice' legal help for those with issues. In 2020 i was arranging all sorts of activity in the community around me for children with several local mothers who know me well. One of my projects - of the moment i must finish writing about here. I supose when the pandemic is finally consigned to history. https://www.illicitgirlsridingclub.com/
i have little interest in any celebrity contact. As my introduction audio explains - inadequately due brevity, the son of one of the most famous people in the world Mr Lennon was brought up in my house and in fact is slightly relevant in that i saw through him and others drug misuse (which for a time affected myself though i was from 18-35 years old a very well respected professional pilot). I know about the damage of not just drugs but being 'famous'. Though by choice completely divorced from their world of Tramp and whichever LA nightspot was in vogue. I once even had my own ultra ultra clever stalker who found me in London from her USA home in the 80s, despite no trace of me anywhere in any contemporary public record and no link with aforementioned slightly famous people, so as to try to get close to the ...money.... (?)
The Mc Libel film - not that good, i am a student of such films, is still in the public conversation - a radio 4 program this week on it The Reunion. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00168fp It is said to have had 25 million viewings over the years. My case that should be a film is far deeper with a potential wider audience. And hopefully more fun! Lots of smiles...
There is always too much and too many tangents. I refer to a 'crusade' on the Peterson matter. This i do certainly intend to pursue in time. Meaning attempt hard hitting essay. Harder is trying to articulate succinctly anything regarding this family matter, but to me i am horrified my daughter may come across this confected wrong thinking Peterson soap opera which even had his own daughter brainwashed into broadcasting regularly on her podcast about her dad's tragic rather attention seeking plight. This matters. That rot really does need crusading against if one cares. I do.