Friday 8 April 2022

 New page added to this site

Just some pictures, thjat maybe tell some of the 'story'.

however so many typos and badly wrtitten paragraphs to sport out, soon. In the rural fringe it's about signal. I have to drive up into the higher places to get some reasonable upload speeds. And that is all rather more hard work than it may seem. 

Meanwhile all i really want is somewhere safe to store what i know is a good library.  The "hay effect" has meant that every wealthy Londoner wishing to get away from themselves has been buying any house they can for years - especially after 2020. Ultra Gentrification... my own last 20 years is in fact because i have had to simplify and live very much in the moment financially. What REALLY matters, now today? No spare cash ever to do what doesn't really's a good way of living. Sharpens up the grey matter. And maybe aligns that moral compass, as it's all you have...

oh and...well.... this is the hard thing to say  - i have a  a  cheerleader, lets say. A new encounter of two years. Or in fact anti-cheerleader.  The only person i have ever met and known who knows words, just get in the way. 

And it's who you are and what you do when the chips are really down (his large mouth) which is what matters. And that Shakespeare was right, absolutely everything in time needs to be laughed at. And Dylanesque pointed poetry can be used for duelling to the death, of all cant and vanity. Its only tomorrow that counts.