Wednesday 13 July 2022

the real 'admin'

update 15 July.

Total freedom of speech  was at last achieved on a bench in Bishop's Castle yesterday. Last place in the world one would expect it so.

Having the last few years monitored the wider, mainly American, discussion on F.O.S.  - best of all is Meghan in fact she is the only one i can tolerate,  but we have Harris, Weinsteins etc.. and Unherd Freddie - he's ok, the whole thing has been so stolen by a range of groups who wish to be 'offended' so they an then virtue signal their offence. (and often get attention from their confected victimhood - 75% of my own best friends in life have been the broken down and buggered up at the bottom; i know what a real 'victim' is ).

F.O.S.  - or the culture of sharing actual FACTS that may upset those connected with the story of those facts is for a discussion like that had yesterday. With someone from the same sort of 'world' - Green / egalitarian and into real universal human rights even for the Northern 'Irish' (in quotes as i don't believe in nations).

Because there is no point complaining about political actions - the actions of politics and big biz, unless one is able to intelligently share the issues within the balancing force  - any resistance and excesses, from civic society which includes Extinction Rebellion etc., unless one is prepared to critique fully members of just such utterly useless organisations. Mainly unhealthy town based people who meet for cake. When one cannot have real open and honest discussion within and about ones natural 'tribe'  - mine simply at an environmental level, without being told "you cannot SAY [think, they mean - how they love thought crime!] ...that..." there is no hope.  Any fairly widely known supposedly corrective movement  such as XR which does not know that freedom to speak gently and politely of the real truths of ones own group, too, is a tyranny. No hope for them...

But when one encounters someone who also is at exactly the same place on that and a once journalist from that world. It becomes so stark why indeed its the culture that somehow needs a good kick up the fat bum.

But you cannot do anything alone...


the real 'admin'

 is going to be rit 

in a bit

you see i have my 'will' dotted here and there online.

There are reasons.

But there is satire.  

And i welcomed 'political correctness' when it was first invented - of course certain things must be said kindly. We are all just the same stardust.

 OR Moonkids...

And some silly folk  think all can be sorted out by moonbeams and the collected consciousness of the universe.


But then to REALLY shoot for the stars and maybe you'll end up in the gutter, need an ally. A friend perhaps, even.

And 'love' whatever that is.

And words must never get in the way.

I have never known a man who was loveable since mine own mentor Ralph the first (i became the second a little time ago) from the days when a big old man could mentor so gently a lad on the run from his silly school and not be automatically assumed a paedo...

Until... he.... wandered up mid 'lockdown'  2020, to my neck of the woods...  a large fat beefy builder. Brown, too... that sick grin on his fat face....

If  many thousands of messages back and forth between then and now - man's words, real ones.... men that is..... you see, the most intelligent man i have ever known, with every reason under the sun to moan and take offence, himself starts, it....  


what is 'it'.... ? we both now one thing, it is the 'answer'.... it is  the most fabulous word duel in history - to undermine, gaslight, offend .... no holds barred nor topic. No words disallowed even if i will not be drawn ever into his favourite jive talk... to piss him off.  I shall call him anything else but the word he wishes me to in tribute to the Beeb who must ban the sickest mad act in publishing history cos Hurricane is about the best ever brow darky song ever....

Every role we (he and me) play - too rude for here.... but discovering there simply is no way we can offend each other no matter how artfully and poetically we querulously rejoinder, thereby is indeed 'love'.  

And proof - both of us know, we need or wish nothing, but both of us know what we have 'created' ... 

Is so spontaneous an attack on the whole vanity project that is confected bullshit woke nonsense and nonsense and thought policing the crap that is in the heart of every citizen ofthis.ost land.... where the word 'citizen'no loger applies cos you have to earn t by fighting...just once at east........ and which should be hated because of one simple reason: t will never ever WORK...

And if we publish... he knows we should.....

and he wants nothing because esteem - the real version, that only Malala Yoof.. ... Sheldon and Jay Simmons... lads from the projects who said what needing saying  

Tottenham unauthorised shopping sprees...  a real man who knows he is loveabl;e for the right reasons being he can even make me laugh...a lot.... just by one word of text lethally aimed... at my heart...

because he has learned the hard way mine never ever fails..... 

 proves that esteem  - the real version, is not ever based on words...its a matter only ever of spirit; and surviving the bottles of petrol spirit has he, too....